Bookazine | RESURSI
- Description
In every bookazine we want to explore certain topics that we as Christians value and determines the foundation of our faith.
Bookazine MAKSIMĀLISTS nr. 3 is about the resources of the kingdom of heaven.
"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17 NIV
Is the Kingdom of Heaven compatible with anything limited? Paul in the letter to Romans reveals us that the kingdom of heaven is not limited like the resources of this world are. It is much more than what we can touch. It is about what we can grasp with our spirit, because exactly that is how we can feel the presence of God on this earth.
Bookazine size: 17x23 cm
96 pages
Print specification: Offset printing | MUNKEN PRINT WHITE 1,5 115g/m2
Foil printing | KEYKOLOUR CHALK 300g/m2
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Bookazine | RESURSI
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